Zakat al-fitr

A Muslim does not cease worship as Allah Subhanahu wa taala says ” So when you have finished [your duties], then stand up [for

Women’s Rights in Islam

21 Womens’ rights in Islam groundbreaking topic by IIN👇 Best of the best ever y’all will read insha Allah 1. If a

Charms and Amulets

Charms and Amulets

Charms 🚫 and Amulets🚫: Examples of amulets 👇 Horseshoes, four-leaf🐴☘️🍀 cover, Goodluck coins, pocket pieces, Smiling Buddha🎎🎎🎎🎃🧿🧸🃏🎏✋👅👁👁, charm bracelets, rabbits foot, wheels

Evil Eye is Real

Evil Eye is Real

To everyone who publishes his or children’s photos on Facebook. Dangers of the evil eye By Ridouan Soumaa ( IIN member) Stop

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