At last Evolution is Collapsed. The following latest findings tear apart the poor fossil record and Darwinists are collapsed.

At last Evolution is Collapsed. The following latest findings tear apart the poor fossil record and Darwinists are collapsed.

At last Evolution is collapsed
The following latest findings tear apart the poor fossil record and Darwinists are collapsed

Oldest member of human family found
Michel Brunet found a skull 6-7 million years old. He named it Toumaï.

👉Moroccan fossil👉 debunked all evolutionists
Moroccan fossil find rearranges Homo sapiens family tree
300,000 years ago—bustling with hominin species that included a very early version of our own
by Mariëtte Le Roux
The story of human evolution, this shows, does not follow a straight line from monkey to ape-man to architect.
First Europeans remain in Spain
19 August 1995
By Roger Lewin
ANCIENT humans were in Europe at least 300 000 years earlier than previously thought, according to a large team of researchers in Spain. They have discovered human fossils and simple stone tools dating back more than
👉780 000 years.
Questions over flat-faced man of Kenya
Wed 2 Apr 2003 20.21 EST
A leading palaeontologist has questioned the heritage of a
👉3.5-million-year-old fossil skull hailed two years ago as a new human relative.
▪︎Source: The guardian

Nature. com published the following
Published: 22 March 2001
👉Another face in our family tree
Daniel E. Lieberman
Nature volume 410, pages419–420(2001)
The evolutionary history of humans is complex and unresolved. It now looks set to be thrown into further
👉 confusion by the discovery of another species and genus, dated to 3.5 million years ago.
The discovery of a 3.5-million-year-old hominid skull and other fossil remains in northern Kenya is 👉shaking 😆the human family tree at its very roots. The new find, reported in this week’s issue of Nature
This led to confusion as nature magazine says
“But lately, 👉confusion has been sown in the human evolutionary tree”
…these discoveries have been fun, if a little bewildering….👉The confusion (and enjoyment) now looks set to increase still further
Tanzania fossil debunked Darwinists
Published: 18 August 2015
Earliest modern human-like hand bone from a new >👉1.84-million-year-old site at Olduvai in Tanzania
Manuel Domínguez-Rodrigo
These findings caused 😆👉chaos to scientists
We once thought of human evolution as a linear progression, with modern humans emerging at the end as the pinnacle of evolutionary development. But everywhere we look, it’s increasingly clear the real picture was 👉much
Asia’s mysterious role in the early origins of humanity
👉Bizarre fossils from China are revealing our species’ Asian origins and 👉rewriting the story of human evolution
👉More wonder
Until the last few years, most scientists thought that the first members of our species, Homo sapiens, evolved in East Africa approximately 200,000 years ago
But this understanding of history has been 👉upended as new discoveries revealed that the first humans emerged much 👉earlier than we thought
As researchers make more of these breakthroughs, the human evolutionary 😆👉puzzle gets more 👉complicated.
A 2017 finding in Morocco threw into question the idea that modern humans originated in East Africa.
Those bones were significantly 👉older than any others ever found.
Researchers determined that the bones unearthed in Morocco’s Jebel Irhoud region are 👉315,000 years old
Taken together, these breakthroughs suggest that many of our previous ideas about the human origin story – who we are and where we came from –
👉were wrong.
👉Lucy fraud 😶🤔
Evolutionists’👉 Confession in 1999: “ADIEU LUCY”
In May 1999, the well-recognized Science et Vie journal used the title “Adieu Lucy” (Goodbye Lucy) on its cover and wrote that the apes of the Australopithecus genus should be
👉removed from human genealogy.
The article, written upon a new Australopithecus fossil discovery code-named St W573, included the following statements:
Mark Collard and Leslie C. Aiello, “From forelimbs to two legs,” Nature (March 23, 2000), 404:339–340.
Adieu Lucy
Evolutionists’ 👉Confession in 2016: “Lucy is a Chimpanzee”
A more recent study on Lucy published in the November 2016 issue of PLOS One gave the same results.
Researchers from Johns Hopkins University and the University of Texas, who micro-CT scanned Lucy’s skeleton by tomography, 👉admitted that much of Lucy’s life had been spent in trees and that, from this aspect, it 👉resembled a 👉chimpanzee more than a human being.
topher B. Ruff , M. Loring Burgess, Richard A. Ketcham, John Kappelman. Limb Bone Structural Proportions and Locomotor Behavior in A.L. 288-1 (“Lucy”). PLOS ONE, 2016 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0166095

Science affirmed Human brain 🧠 is never like monkey 🐒
👉Human brains are three times larger, are organized differently, and mature for a longer period of time than those of our closest living relatives, the chimpanzees


New fossils found 👉confuses and
👉upholds all the faith of evolutionists
New-found skull could 👉sink our current ideas about human evolution.
👉confusion has been sown in the human evolutionary tree.
discovery of a 3.5-million-year-old hominid skull and other fossil remains in northern Kenya is 👉shaking the human family tree at its very roots


👉Complex & confusion
The evolutionary history of humans is 👉complex and unresolved. It now looks set to be thrown into further 👉confusion
Skull Further👉 Obscures Human Origins.
We once thought of human evolution as a linear progression, with modern humans emerging at the end as the pinnacle of evolutionary development. But everywhere we look, it’s increasingly clear the real picture was much 👉messier.
▪︎ Source
This is a little piece of the👉 puzzle that opens the door to new types of questions and field investigations.
👉Turns everything upside-down
Professor Colin Groves, who works in biological anthropology at the Australian National University, said the work by Professor Spoor and colleagues 👉”really upsets the apple cart” in terms of the understanding of how all the Homo species fit together.
This is why the evolutionist Earnst Mayr in his book what makes biology unique
confesses that evolution is a mere historical narrative and not an exact science
Now the family of evolutionists is collapsed whatever 🙄 next will be narratives not science
Sorry you were deceived to believe in a mere faith not science 😉 but a fake faith
So keep going lol
Finally all scientists agree Darwinism is a myth
Ardi: The Human Ancestor Who Wasn’t?
By Eben Harrell Thursday, May 27, 2010
The so called tree of apes is collapsed
it is much more difficult to locate fossil apes on the tree of life because shared skeletal morphology does not always mean shared recent evolutionary history.
Therefore all what they taught you are mere temporary lies
Ecological and temporal placement of early Pliocene hominids at Aramis, Ethiopia
By #Ridouan_Soumaa
#Darwinists #evolution_debunked
Based on research by Dr Iyad Qunibi
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