20 lessons from Khabib’s career

20 lessons from Khabib’s career

20 #Lessons_from_Khabib  💘 🦅

1️⃣Obey your parents they are the real success
2️⃣Treat all  family good
3️⃣If Allah with you nobody can beat u no Irish whisky or whatever 👊💪
4️⃣Make daawah to opponents and all
**You can still be a celebrity and be the preacher of Islam why some fear to show Islam!!??!!
**He said to Justin in his last fight : Treat your parents good you never know what is gonna happen tomorrow.
5️⃣No one can recompense your father no matter how rich you may become
6️⃣You can still be Muslim n become N1 famous person in the world Islam is never hindrance towards success but it’s  the success itself
7️⃣Piety and perseverance is the most important 👉(Fulfil promises you make)
8️⃣Piety and perseverance are the most important to achieve Goal but Allah first
9️⃣Dreams are to come true with iman and preparation not sleep or (tawaakul) but tawakkul and action
🔟If you want fame and money trust Allah and be righteous. Don’t look for them..Let them come to you
1️⃣1️⃣Be humble like Khabib, Allah will raise you up above over all creation
Be extremely confident
Khabib said when i look into Conor’s eyes i see him as a silly drunkard lol
Don’t be ashamed of your Islam
Example: Don’t shake hands then explain but refrain first then explain why
1️⃣2️⃣Let 50% of Your components fear you because of your competencies example —> human can become a real bear 🐻  Everyone fears Khabib because of fighting bears 👊
1️⃣3️⃣Don’t curse or insult opponents whatsoever they tell you..still you can retaliate in other ways possible..
Be an example to others in forgiveness
1️⃣4️⃣Dont be alone..Surround yourself with great people like father etc
1️⃣5️⃣Defend your religion, country and parents (Conor Mgregor case)
1️⃣6️⃣Seize your fame and wealth to help others.
1️⃣7️⃣You can still do your best to make the change (Khabib’s goal to change MMA trash talk)
1️⃣8️⃣BE A GOOD ROLE-MODEL to the youth
1️⃣9️⃣The minds and wiseness wins any force on the face of earth
2️⃣0️⃣Real show off is by productivity not blabbering and showing off with ones mouth or threats.
Ridouan Soumaa
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