Responses to Madkhaliya

Responses to Madkhaliya

The Madkhalies are sub group of the Salafī movement. They are named after the scholar Rabie’ b. al-Hādī al-Madkhalī a former head of the Sunnah Studies Department at Islamic University of Madinah.
The Madkhalies have been noted for their opposition against another sub group of the Salafī movement known as the Jihādiyyah.
They have been described as politically quietist, avoiding the organized political efforts of the mainstream of Salafism and even going as far as to declare those who participate in modern political system to be heretics.
⇒Madkhaliyya sect
They said sheikh Adawi says it’s haram to search in google
They take scholars videos montage them
They are as Party of Anur in Egypt  government
And made them like saying music is halalBut al hamdulillah Al Rahma TV answered
Sheikh here explains how to answer to them
Ministry if Internal affairs
In Saudi helped them
They are dolls of governments
👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻In Birmingham Abu Khadija is well known
They say blindly obey rulers
Never advice ruler
Khawarij are those who split the Ummah by going out to fight the Imam (ruler)
They consider themselves the saved grup
They target Islamic political parties
Yet their aim is to defend oppressors especially rulers
If anyone who opposes ruler is Khawarij then why they don’t say that the grandson of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him Hussain is so😅
Bc thousands of Sahaba fought against A ruler
Their scholars now are the Takfiris
Raslan himself said that he who says Amine after the dua of the reciter jibril
Is kafir
So by this how many caused to be disbelievers millions of course
Thus the true takfiris are both Madakhila Rabia Zahrani Ridwani and Raslan
Now i heard on YOUtube son of Rabia announcing a fatwa to kill Muslims
Isn’t killing Muslims a kharijite’s attribute
Not to forget that these ppl are dolls of USA in the region
They are more dangerous than any other sect
They turned more than 400 well known scholars to be mubtadia or innovators including Abu Ishaq El huwayni who has
40 000 transmission authentic hadeeths from him to prophet Muhammad
Add to this, Rabia and his followers say if you go to a place and the first you visit not a Rabii than you are Mubtadia.
How on earth can a Muslim be classified a Mubtadia due to his visiting his brothers.
He who goes to Mekka and does not visit the backbiter Rabia than in his Salafi manhaj a doubt
Madakhila made their sayings and efforts are the truth only and nothing else
He who visits a Mubtadia is Mubtadia hhh what if i owe him my money
That’s why they repeat much
Days will show you what you are ignorant of
Meaning your bad thoughts of Rabia will be known by Rabii ppl by time
Also the saying He who does not call an innovator as an innovator is as such an innovator
Scholars say this saying does not apply to laymen Muslims and the scholars and sheikhs of Sunna but rather applies to innovators of Suffi etc
Talaat Zahran says spying for Salatin (kings presidents) is an obligation
This is added to their severe backbiting of people they are mere spiers not preachers
Their hearts are made of stones because of pride, arrogance and slander
All what you hear from them is this is a deluded burned sheikh
I ask you who burned him in hell?
Also you hear.. a dog a wicked innovator
Is this the manners of our beloved prophet with his opposers?
Never of course
Prophet says softness attains what harshness can’t achieve
Give glad tidings to people and don’t be severe
Prophet says don’t be arrogant or tyrant in your dawah
All what you can do is invite people to Islam
Now madakhila are the vampires and killers
They are with haftar an American against legal law of Lybia
They are with the killer Sisi in Egypt but never with Mursi before
If you say we are with the triumphant why were you against Musri
Why you hate Ordogan isn’t he a triumphant now in Turkey or is it that the mischievous satan is always urging you again Ikhwan Muslimun wherever they are though they are triumphant lol
Though Iam neither from all sides
Iam a Sunni Muslim against all these sects which prophet warned of
Imagine Madakhila are even with their brothers the Jews against Hamas because Hamas is ikhwani


اذن خلاصتي أنها الفرقة الجامية المدخلية اليهودية لزعزعة أمن المسلمين
Madakhila are the Jammi Rabii Jewish American group spread among Muslims to
1. Demolish Islam from its shortest tool which is doubting Muslims of their scholars
2. Fight Muslims with weapon and poisonous tongues
🔻How to know the Madkhalis
1. Praising Saudi Arabian much
2. Speaking much on Tawheed Salafiyya
Both these two terms are good but they distorted them
They mean the Madkhaliyya tawheed
Which is insulting scholars
3. So much backbiting to scholars and sheikhs bc some are against regimes or because they are against their tabdee3 manhaj
I.e they considered 150 scholars out of Sunnah and that they are Innovators bc they say what’s right on their regimes
#Madkhalis in Libya: “This (Haftar) is our master. This is your master. Oh killers of Ali (ra) and Uthman (ra). This is jihad”
He said “we’ll go from Victory to Victory. From Jihad until Jihad until we liberate Libya”
1) In the past 94 days since the war on Tripoli started, Haftar has recorded 0 actual solid victories. His Madkhali fighters have been rounded up and surrendering en masse.
2) A Jihad is a war between good and evil. Against oppression. Not shelling women and children, executing captives, torturing scholars and mutilating corpses. These all go against the very basic fundamental laws of Islamic warfare.
3) They call their enemies khawarij (killers of Ali and Uthman). The rules of fighting the actual Khawarij, as described in hadiths and by Ali himself state that you can NOT collect their war booty, kill the one that flees, nor harm their injured. Madkhalis have done all this.
4) Madkhalis are doing khurooj against the leader of Libya (Sarraj) despite them preaching not to rise up against an oppressive tyrant even if he rapes your wife, flogs your back or steals your wealth.
Shaykh Ibn Jibreen was asked about Rabee al-Madkhali and his statements in Jarh and Ta’deel. The Shaykh said:-
“Rabi al-Madkhali’s statements in Jarh and Ta’deel are not accepted due to him having several mistakes in his books that proves his ignorance in what he says”.
Albani video👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Question for #Madkhalis:
What is the ruling on the Tyrant Warlord #Haftar who REBELLED aginst the Tripoli government? What is the ruling on Rabee al-Madkhali who passed the Fatwa to allow #Salafis to rebel against the government?
Aren’t they Khawarij? 🤔
The boot lickers claim their main aim is Tawheed!!!!!!
Madkhalis are killers in Lybia so where is the tawheed then
Yes their main concern is backbiting scholars under the pretence of Tawheed
Their main aim is to envy scholars whom Allah made people love
Madkhaliya and ISIS are the same now
Both killers and bunch of allies of non Muslims like Haftar
Do you want me to smash you with a video where son of Madkhaliy said Jihad by madakhila is obligatory with Haftar?
Do you want me to bring you a video by The lion of Bidaa Raslan who gave green light to Sisi  kill Ikhwan in Egypt?
Letter of Bakr Abu Zayd to Rabia Madkhaliy
👉🏻👉🏻In Birmingham Abu Khadija is well known
They say blindly obey rulers
Never advice ruler
Khawarij are those who split the Ummah by going out to fight the Imam (ruler)
They consider themselves the saved grup
They target Islamic political parties
Yet their aim is to defend oppressors especially rulers
If anyone who opposes ruler is Khawarij then why they don’t say that the grandson of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him Hussain is so😅
Shamsi exposed
Shamsi causes fitnah in hyde park and attacks Ali Daawah
Their way of labelling sheikhs is sick
You are sitting on a sofa and ignoring all the green lights that shine from people
Once you see a red light
You target the person not the mistakes
Calling people Khawarij burnt in hell
Ahlu lbidaa
You are a sick sect like pigs who don’t eat the good only look at rubbish
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