German Activist on Taliban. Women’s rights in Islam

German Activist on Taliban. Women’s rights in Islam



21 Womens’ rights in Islam
♡ groundbreaking topic by IIN👇♡
Best of the best ever y’all will read insha Allah
⚘1. If a man betrayed his wife, his penalty would be stoning to death.
⚘2. If a man married a second wife, yet he didn’t deal with both justly, he will come on the Day of Judgment with half of his body sloping. (Leant)
⚘3. If he sets a dowry for her (whether it’s money or tangible stuff), yet he abstained from giving it to her, then he is a thief.
⚘4. If he divorced her, he has absolutely no right to take anything from her, from which he had already given her, i.e. dowry.
⚘5. If he deprived her from her right of inheritance, regardless of her statues (mother, daughter, wife, sister, etc.…) then he has transgressed the limits of Allah, and whoever does that, then he is among the wrongdoers.
⚘6. If he hit her and disregarded her, then he is a despicable man; and if he honors her, then he is an honorable man.
⚘7. If he abandoned her for more than 4 months (Al-Ela’a), she has the option of divorce.
⚘8. He has no right to treat her like his mother, and if he said that she is forbidden to him like his mother’s back (Az-Zihar) and wish to free himself later from what he uttered, the penalty is the freeing of a slave, before they touch each other; and he who can’t do that, must fast two successive months before they both touch each other; and if he is unable to so, he must feed 60 poor people.
⚘9. If he disliked her, he must be patient; it may be that you dislike a thing and Allah brings through it a great deal of good.
⚘10. If he divorced her, he should never forget her graciousness and tolerance.
⚘11. If they got divorced, he should never deprive her of her children, and he must be financially responsible for them (Nafaqa).
⚘12. She is free to do whatever she pleases with her own money; if she helped him, it is considered a charity and she’ll be double rewarded; and if she keeps it to herself, then he has no right to force her.
⚘13. Any transgression that is done against her by him, then he’ll be punished with the same action done against her equally and fairly (Qesas). He is responsible to make sure that her sustenance, outfits and housing are available to her according to his own means and limits.
⚘14. His protection and maintenance towards her is an obligation, yet her obedience is a struggle for the sake of Allah (Jihad).
⚘15. If he commands her to do the right things, she should obey him; otherwise, there is no obedience for a creature who asks to disobey the Creator. Later on, if she decided to initiate a divorce, she can give him back his dowry and abandon him (Khul’ in Islam: the right of woman to initiate a divorce).
⚘16. For her sake, the prophet  peace be upon him started a battle against the Jewish tribe “Banu Qaynuqa”.
⚘17. To defend her honour, dying is considered a martyrdom (Shahada) for the sake of Allah.
⚘18. For her sake, the Mo’tasem moved an entire army to Ammoreya.
⚘19. For the sake of her virtue and reputation, Allah has set a penalty of 80 whip for anyone who allegedly and untruthfully accuse her of adultery, without having no less than four eye witnesses to support his claim.
⚘20. Her education is obligatory, yet working is commendable while taking into consideration religious limits and standards.
⚘21. And most importantly, Prophet peace and blessings be upon him said in the long hadith to a man who wanted to go out do jihad with the army: “…Then stay with her, for paradise is beneath her feet”. Pointing out that staying with the mother, obeying her, pleasing her, nurturing her, and being humble to her is the greatest path to paradise.
And the list goes on…
🚥Does the woman in Islam after all of this need an International Woman Day?
👉Is it true what some Westerners and the enemies of Islam are advertising, that the Muslim woman is oppressed?
🚥O the daughter of Islam, will you be ashamed of your Islamic religion after all of this?
١-إذا خان الرجل المرأة فعقوبته الرجم حتى الموت.
٢-إذا تزوج مرة ثانية ولم يعدل بينهما حشر يوم القيامة شقه مائل.
٣-إذا كتب لها مهرًا ولم يعطها إياه فهو سارق.
٤-إذا طلقها ﻻ يحق له أن يأخذ شيئًا مما أعطاه لها.
٥-إذا أكل حقها في الميراث فقد تعدى حدود الله، ومن يتعد حدود الله فهو ظالم نفسه.
٦-إذا ضربها وأهانها فهو لئيم، وإذا أكرمها فهو كريم.
٧-إذا هجرها أكثر من أربعة أشهر لها الحق بالتفريق.
٨-ﻻ يحق له أن يعاملها كأمه، وإن قال لها أنت علي كظهر أمي سيصوم 60 يومًا، أو يعتق رقبة، أو يطعم 60 مسكينًا.
٩-إذا كرهها فليصبر؛ فعسى أن تكرهوا شيئًا ويجعل الله فيه خيرًا كثيرًا.
١٠-وإذا طلقها فعليه أن ﻻ ينسى فضلها.
١١-وإذا افترقا ﻻ يحرمها أوﻻدها، وعليه نفقتهم.
١٢-مالها حرة فيه؛ إن تصدقت عليه فلها أجران، وإن منعته فﻻ يحق له السطو عليه.
١٣-أي اعتداء عليها يعاقب عليه بمثل ما اعتدى عليها.
وهو مسؤول عنها في طعامها ومشربها ومسكنها وملبسها ضمن قدراته المالية .
١٤-قوامته عليها تكليف، وطاعتها له جهاد في سبيل الله.
١٥-إن أمرها بالمعروف أطاعته، وإن أمرها بغيره فﻻ طاعة لمخلوق في معصية الخالق.
ثم بعد ذلك إن أرادت فراقًا فلها أن ترد عليه مهره وتخلعه.
١٦-وﻷجلها خاض النبي حربًا ضد بني قينقاع.
١٧-وللدفاع عنها كان الموت شهادة في سبيل الله.
١٨-وﻷجلها حرك المعتصم جيشه إلى عمورية.
١٩-ولسمعتها وضع الله حد القذف ثمانين جلدة.
٢٠-علمها واجب وعملها جائز ضمن الحدود والضوابط الشرعية.
21- والأهم من ذلك كله قول الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم:
“الزم قدميها فثم الجنة”.
فهل تحتاج المرأة بعد الإسلام إلى يوم المرأة العالمي؟
وهل ما يروجه الغرب وأعداء الإسلام
أن المرأة المسلمة مضطهدة
وهي لها كل هذه الحقوق التي كفل لها الإسلام والدين؟
فيا ابنة الإسلام. ..هل تخجلين بعد ذلك من إسلامك ..
*أرسلوها لكل امرأة تحبونها*❤❤
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