Suckling the elderly?!

Is there breastfeeding the elder in Islam ?
This is a special case to Salim and his matches
But non Muslims seize it to insult Aisha and Salim Mawla Abi Hudaifa
This is the consensus of all scholars
It’s a special case to those who want to adopt
🗣Ibn Taymiya says if an adopted girl or boy is grown and his “father Adopter likes him her to stay at home” it’s Khalwa (privacy) thus the breastfeeding is permissible yet the consensus is that it’s special and special to him (Salim) only
The matter here is exactly like slavery
It’s abrogated
Scholars say this happened at the time when adoption was legal
But then adoption is abrogated
Bukhari narrates this Hadith in his book, but not the complete version. He has narrated it from the beginning of the story to the revelation of the verse: 33:5 and dropped the remaining.
🗣Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen was asked about this matter, and he replied:
Breastfeeding a grown-up has no effect, because the breastfeeding which has an effect (of creating the relationship of mahram) is that which consists of five feedings or more within the first two years, before weaning. On this basis, if it happened that someone breastfed from his wife or drank her milk, he does not become her son. Fataawa Islamiyah, 3/338.
●Reported by ‘Abd al-Razzaaq in al-Musannaf, 7/463, no. 13895).
🗣In al-Muwatta’ (2/603), Maalik reported that Ibn ‘Umar said: “There is no breastfeeding except for the one who is breastfed in infancy; there is no breastfeeding for one who is grown up.” Its isnaad is saheeh.
From this is it clear that drinking one’s wife’s milk has no effect and does not create the relationship of mahram.
🗣 Ibn Qudaamah said in al-Mughni (9/201):
 “One of the conditions of breastfeeding creating the relationship of mahram is that it should be within the first two years.
This is the opinion of most of the scholars.
Something like this was narrated from ‘Umar, ‘Ali, Ibn ‘Umar, Ibn Mas’ood, Ibn ‘Abbaas, Abu Hurayrah and the wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), apart from ‘Aa’ishah. It was also the opinion of al-Shi’bi, Ibn Shubrumah, al-Oozaa’i, al-Shaafa’i, Ishaaq, Abu Yoosuf, Muhammad, and Abu Thawr, and was narrated in one report from Maalik.
⚘Many Sunni scholars say that this Hadith is faked. In the book: al-Sunan, Beihaqi narrates other Prophet’s wives disagreement with this fatwa of Aisha. He says that non of the other wives let a man to become mahram with them in this way.
But in the footnotes of some versions of Bukhari, some scholars pointed to the remaining part of the Hadith and said that most Muslims reject “Ridha’u Kabeer” and don’t recognize it as a way to become mahram with a non-mahram guy.
That there should have been five or more breastfeedings, because of the hadeeth of ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her), who said: Among the things that were revealed of the Qur’aan was that ten definite breastfeedings make a person a mahram, then that was abrogated and replaced with five definite breastfeedings
●Narrated by Muslim, 1452
👉🏼In al-Muwatta’ (2/603), Maalik reported that Ibn ‘Umar said: “There is no breastfeeding except for the one who is breastfed in infancy; there is no breastfeeding for one who is grown up.” Its isnaad is saheeh
👉🏼Ibn Qudaamah said:
“One of the conditions of breastfeeding creating the relationship of mahram is that it should be within the first two years.”
●[al-Mughni (9/2010)]
Now as for the hadeeth of Aisha
In her Hadith, Aisha (ra) narrates that a couple, Abu-Huzayfeh and Sahlah, had an adopted son called “Salem”. When the Quranic verse: “ Name them after their fathers” (33:5) was revealed (which meant your adopted son’s are not you son’s), Abu-Hudayfah told Salem that you’re not our son anymore.
However, because Salem lived the family so much, he came by to visit them a lot, even when Sahlah was alone.
“Whenever Abu-Huzayfah heard about such visits, he became so upset. Sahlah came to the Prophet and informed him of the problem. The Holy Prophet told her, “breastfeed him by your milk”!
“But he is an adult”, Sahlah said
“I know that he is adult, but answered he is the same as I told.”, the Prophet replied.”
💥Many Sunni scholars say that this Hadith is faked. In the book: al-Sunan, Beihaqi narrates other Prophet’s wives disagreement with this fatwa of Aisha. He says that non of the other wives let a man to become mahram with them in this way.
Sheikh Mustafa Al Adawi said on Al Rahma Channel
“Now there are also some who reject this Hadeeth saying that Bukhari only documented what Aisha thought to be a hadeeth but it’s her effort only”
Bukhari narrates this Hadith in his book, but not the complete version. He has narrated it from the beginning of the story to the revelation of the verse: 33:5 and dropped the remaining.
But in the footnotes of some versions of Bukhari, some scholars pointed to the remaining part of the Hadith and said that most Muslims reject “Ridha’u Kabeer” and don’t recognize it as a way to become mahram with a non-mahram guy.
However, because this Hadith is narrated in their most authentic books, they have tried to justify it! Some of them say that this Hadith is abrogated, while others say that this Hadith is confined to the case of Salim mawla Abu-Huzayfah.
The author of the book Al-Fiqh ala Al-Mazahib Al-Arba’a (Fiqh according to the four school) criticizes this Hadith and says that breastfeeding requires appearing the breasts, touching and sucking them!
How is it possible for a man who is not mahram yet to do that?
Albani says:
 I can say that nothing has been transmitted to us that instructs us how the wife of Abu Hudhaifah breastfed his Mawla Salim. The method has not been transmitted
🌸To sum up
There are two cases in Islam. One is the correct one
The other is a very very special case
1—The first one is that this breastfeeding of the elderly is only valid for Salim The main servant of the Sahabi Salim.
When Salim grew up his “mom”
Went to the prophet Muhammad salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam asking how could he be a Mahram for her because it’s difficult for her to live with him inside the house wearing all the time her complete Hijab
Then prophet Muhammad salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam said breastfeed him he becomes your Mahram
Which means no other special case like it would return because this incident happened before adoption was prohibited
2—- Yet  the second view of Ibn Taymiya is also correct in case another case like Salim ever existed .
Like what sheikh
🗣Uthman El Khamiss says that in a car accident all the family died except their daughter
In this case any woman can breastfeed her then she can live under custody of her brother or uncle etc
Another incident took place when an orphan girl lived at a house after she grew up she calls her custodian my dad everytime
In this case she shouldn’t stay with him at home alone etc
And the solution is to be breastfed by this man’s sister to become Mahram/ haram for him.
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