*Number of words in Adhan is 50.

*5 times prayers reward is duplicates to 50 ..Because in Islam one deed is duplicated to 10 ..See [Cattle 160] {It is 5 Salats but 50 in rewards.  (Bukhari)}
*The word Azan with its derivative roots is mentioned in Quran 5 times the number of Salats!
*Number of letters in Arabic language is 28
*How many letters used in Azan calling: 17
*17 is the number of Rakaats we do in the 5 times Salats
*Number of Surah Al Israe (ascension) is 17
*Quran was descended on 17th Ramadan which is the night of ascension Israe wal Miaraj
*Scientifically Azan is non stop on the globe 12 months non stop
*Number of sentences in Azan repeatedly is  12, too.
*Meaning Allah wants to say no one can ever stop Azan and Islam is throughout the year consistently present so rest in peace lol
*Number of months 12 as in
[Tawba 36]
*Last sentence of Azan is
(La ilaha illa Allah) لا إله إلا الله
*Number of letters in it is 12 too.
Subhana Allah
Allah says live on tawheed all your life.
And Muhammadun Rasulu Allah too is 12 letters
■محمد رسول الله
La ilaha illa Allah 12 is letters
Muhammad rasulu Allah is 12 letters
Year is 12 months
Allah says live on these two best words throughout your life
You hear Azan more than  1800 times a year
Have you ever though of this noble meaning of tawhid in Azan like this
(Nabiyﷺ says: the best words prophets ever uttered is( la ilaha illa Allah) [ Bukhari]
*First word in Azan is “Allah”
*Last word in Azan is “Allah”
*Most word repeated in Quran and in Azan too is “Allah” !! In Quran word Allah is repeated 2699 and in Azan 7 times .
👉To know Why N7 is repeated much in Islam: See here👇
*2699 cannot be divided except on itself see below in comments why….it’s an odd number too Allah loves singularity 💜
*Allah as a word is repeated 11 times in Azan and 11 cannot be divided except on 1
* So Azan is from Allah the ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD 👍 ALLAH
*Allah has only 3 letters in Arabic A. L. H الله
*la ila illa Allah the same thing only 3 letters !!
*First time Allah as a word is used in Quran is in Surah Al Fatiha
*Last time Allah as a word is used in Quran is in Surah 112 Ikhlas ..Qul huwa…
In Azan letter Alif  أ  = used 47 times
In Azan letter Lam ل = used 45 times
In Azan letter Hae  ها = used 20 times
47+45+29 = 112 !!
Same thing in Azan
*Allah as a word is repeated 11 times in Azan and 11 cannot be divided except
on 1
*So Azan is from Allah the ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD 👍 ALLAH
■No creation ever can talk on himself with the best sentence using only letters of his name and what makes you know which name Allah is the best of His names too (Best of the best many scholars say it’s the greatest name ever that if used in dua Allah accepts it)
Allahu akbar
Islam is the fastest growing religion currently
In 2050 All Europe will be Islamic Islam is dominant
No swords are used currently
Power of Islam is autonomous
We don’t need anyone to defend it
In Japan and European countries disobedience to parents and old house orphanage where to store parents or fools costs billions 🏚  to states
Yet in Islam it’s the duty of every individual to take good care of aunts let alone parents
Al hamdulillah rabbil aalameen
NB: Allah spoke the Quran and amgels like Gabriel wrote it down on the sacred tablet اللوح المحفوظ
Allah didn’t create the Quran but Spoke it
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Allah on His Arsh not everywhere
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